Know Jesus

Plan of Salvation

Who is Jesus?
We believe in the Savior, the second person of the Divine Trinity, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the eternal Son of God. In His incarnation as Jesus Christ, He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He knew no sin, but became sin, that He may die for us (1 John 3:5). He obeyed the divine law, and through His death on the cross, He was God’s provision for the redemption of men from sin.
Why do you need him?
You must recognize that you are a sinner (John 8:34) and sin leads to death (Romans 6:23). Sin is man’s rebellion against God and his will. Since the fall of man in the garden of Eden, sin has separated us from our eternal father. the true and living God (Genesis 3). While this was the beginning of man’s sin, you must not make excuses for your own actions (Job 15:14; Romans 3:23). 
Why Jesus?
God hates sin but loves us, so much so that he sent his only son Jesus Christ, who did no sin, to take on our sins and provide a way for us to be restored to him. Jesus accomplished this by being crucified (Mark 15:25) and dying on the cross for us as the ultimate, perfect sacrifice (John 19:30). Three days after his death, God raised him from the dead (Matt 28:6). Jesus is the only way we can be reconciled with God (John 14:6).
How do you get to know him?
Repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ into your heart. To repent is to have a change of mind, so to repent of your sins is to turn away from those sinful actions/lifestyles and turn to God. To accept Jesus, follow God’s word in Romans 10:9 “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” If you have made this decision, then congratulations are in order- you have made the best decision of your life! Please let us know if you have just made this decision as we would love to follow up with you! Let our pastor or deacons know at the next service or click here.