
Our Ministries
Deacon Ministry
Deacons are considered an extension of the pastoral arm of the church and, as such, are spiritual servants and counselors representing the Lord Jesus.
Trustee Ministry 
Trustees serve as legal officers of the church, a liaison between the membership and the senior pastor.
Music Ministry 
Under the guidance of the Director of Music, this ministry handles all music to be rendered in all worship services and programs.
Helping Hands/Outreach Ministry 
Heads all corporate mission outreach projects. Seeks to offer a helping hand to the homeless, less fortunate, and oppressed – both locally and abroad.
Pearls & Matrons
Service and Fellowship Groups of the Church whose sole mission is to ensure the care, attention, and aid of the members of our community who are not able to worship with us on a regular basis, whether due to illness, hardships, or even distance.
Men’s Fellowship  The men’s service and fellowship group of the church, who focus on building strong relationships among the men of the GT community while also serving as mentors and leaders for younger men throughout the area.
New Members Ministry
Seeks to get new members plugged into life here at GT. This includes setting up face to face meetings with our new members, his/her deacon and the pastor. We learn more about what the new members’ interests/strengths/spiritual gifts are to help them find areas where they can not only serve but also be spiritually fed.